Sugar and Spice Roasted Sweet Potatoes


There is something so gratifying about digging into a roasted sweet potato on a cold winter day. They satisfy without fail, and are more than excellent at warming you from the inside out. One of the best things about these guys is just how versatile they are. Sweet potatoes make the perfect pair with seasoning blends from Mexican (cumin, chipotle, cinnamon) to Indian (turmeric, garlic, ginger) to Southern (smoked black pepper, paprika, honey). All of this gets even better when you cook off a few servings at once and give future you premade sweet potato deliciousness.


Sweet potatoes are rich in several nutrients essential for overall great health and athletic performance. They are an excellent source of carbs to fuel your brain and body. One medium sweet potato also contains over 3x your daily needs for Vitamin A, an important antioxidant that supports eye health. These guys also provide some minerals, electrolytes, Vitamin C, and fiber.

This simple, yet extremely flavorful method for cooking sweet potatoes intensifies their natural sweet and savoriness with a handful of pantry spices. Plus a little hit of cayenne achieves that slightly addictive sweet and spicy combo that keeps us coming back for more. Pair these potatoes with wintery veggies, and roasted chicken or pork, a pan roasted steak, or sauteed shrimp for an equally balanced and delicious meal. Enjoy!


Sugar and Spice Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Makes 4 potatoes

4 medium sweet potatoes

1 tbs. olive oil

1 tbs. brown sugar

½ tsp. flaky salt

½ tsp. garlic powder

¼ tsp. cinnamon 

¼ tsp. paprika 

¼ tsp. ground black pepper

¼ tsp. cayenne pepper

¼ tsp. ginger powder

Heat oven to 375°F/190°C. 

Wash and dry sweet potatoes.

Combine the oil, sugar, salt and spices.

Spray a sheet tray with pan spray or lightly oil. 

Rub the spice mixture all over each sweet potato, seasoning them as well as possible.

Roast for about 1 hour, or until tender all the way through.

Enjoy right away or store in a covered container in the fridge for up to a week.


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